Chivas Regal 18 YO Gold Signature
Chivas Regal 18 YO Gold Signature, 40 %
Chivas Regal 18 YO Gold Signature
Moving on to the next blended whisky, we now have the Chivas Regal 18 YO Gold Signature on the test bench as it were.
I actually reviewed this whisky back in 2013 as well (see review in Norwegian).
You can buy the Chivas Regal 18 YO Gold Signature in Norway at NOK 700 (4510801), in Sweden at SEK 649 (8053501), and online at around GBP 52.
Nose: Chocolate, vanilla, caramel sauce, tobacco and apples. The same notes of cold coffee as I get on the Chivas Extra. Hints of bitter oranges?
Taste: Medium body. Peppery with a bitter-ish bite. Peel from bitter oranges, I am certain this time. It is rather sweet as well, but it is masked by the bitterness.
Finish: Medium long finish. The bitterness is now even more oak-like and peppery in character.
Comments: The bitterness/oakiness on the finish is not quite to my taste.
Score (82/100)
- Thomas